Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A couple of weeks ago, I had a visitation from the Lord. He came to me, reached out His hand and said; "Come, I want to show you something..." I placed my hand in His, and we began to travel. We ended up on a shoreline, more like a beach; it was dusk. Jesus pointed up towards the sky, and my eyes followed His lead. I beheld the beautiful colors of the sky, as evening time settled in.

All of a sudden, I saw a red object coming in from the atmosphere. It got bigger and bigger as it drew closer...it was an meteor! It was on fire, and looked like a burning, hot coal. I watched in horror as it pounded into the ocean far away. The Lord looked at me and said, "When it hits, they will have thirty minutes, to an hour out to evacuate". After He said this, I saw the water coming in; a tsunami.

Last week, the Lord spoke to me and said, "What I'm about to do, no man can take credit for. Over time, I have allowed man, and through Satan using them, to believe that they are in control, and have dominion. But now is the time for America to know that I AM. What will be unleashed, even the elite have no idea about, and in the end, even a few of them will fall on their knees and cry out to me".  

This is the third time the Lord has shown me a tsunami. I posted my first dream roughly three years ago. The second one, I did not post, which occurred in the later part of 2014. Shortly after returning to Charlotte (after living in the DC area for a year and a half), I was in my new home, unpacking boxes when the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice and said, "You do not believe that I will send a tsunami!" I paused for a moment and searched my thoughts and feelings. I knew to do this because you cannot lie to God. My heart was racing from the sternness in His voice. "No, Lord. I do not believe this will happen before the rapture. You're right. I've been pushing the thought away in doubt" I responded. The Lord then answered and said, "But I will send a tsunami; it will come!"

The second dream that I never posted revealed a tsunami coming to the east coast. This dream was more vivid than the first one I had, which also occurred on the east coast. I saw how high the waves will be. There are two waves, and it will not be as high as some have seen, where half of the country is under water and millions of lives are lost. No, this will not happen because God will not punish the wicked with the just. However, there will be much infrastructure damage; billions of dollars. And many lives will be lost. This will only be the beginning of a domino effect that will collapse the entire country from within.

I am posting these things not to frighten, but to forewarn. Too many Christians are asleep at the wheel, and we're about to drive right off a cliff. We are living in an illusion that "good times" will come back to this country, but this is a lie. America doesn't deserve better times. We have not repented of our rebellion, arrogance, greed, perversion, murder or witchcraft. The Lord has not given up on America, this is why He is bringing judgment; so that we will repent.

Make sure that your lamps are filled saints. Night soon approaches...

Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries


  1. A meteor landed somewhere outside of portland, me about a week ago. It was large and appeared as a great flash in the sky, filmed by a policemen's dash cam. A few days later, unrelated to this sighting, my husband asked me if I'm still using GPS. I said, yes, why? He asked if I'd seen the news report about a man who followed his gps off a cliff into the ocean. Just mentioning these two things together because of your post and your comment. "Too many Christians are asleep at the wheel, and we're about to drive right off a cliff." I believe these things will come to pass soon. God inundated me with prophecies and dreams and visions for two months. This past month He has been very quiet with me. He showed me in the last week I need to get selective about the places and ways I agree to serve. He said I have allowed some good things to interrupt His flow with me. I'm listening. God bless you, Mena. God help and save us all.

  2. Not before the rapture correct ? Please reply back. This reminds me about the Puerto Rican man by the name of Efrain Rodriguez prophecy

  3. I had a dream a long while back about Moshe ark floating around the top of skyscraper buildings in New York. I believe it was a tsunami. I've also seen volcanic eruptions in Washington state caused by an earthquake. The animals were swimming2 by 2 underwater. A section of California was broken off. I believe this was a large west coast Tsunami caused by a huge earthquake. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Are you saying this will happen before the Rapture???? I'm confused??

  5. where, you see, it appear?

    by niepelnosprawny,org

  6. Do you happen to know where this will happen? Thank you so much for sharing your prophecy with us. I have been following you for a while and appreciate your awareness. God Blesses you for sure.

  7. My daughter, who is 7 for some time now has been having dreams of "floods" (we live on the West Coast) these dreams scare her and she has trouble sleeping. Just last night I prayed with her and am seeking the LORD as to why he would give her these dreams if they scare her and rebuking the enemy if they are not from him. She also said we knew the water was coming and had were getting ready to leave.

    1. John Paul Jackson (who is in heaven now)warned several years ago, of a severe earthquake coming to the West Coast, and Tsunamis as well...other prophetic voices, Rick Joyner, Bob Jones (in heaven now) have said in previous times, don't leave unless God says...but in the last few years, they have said 'leave unless God tells you to stay'. I would definitely be praying about a geographical re-location and asking God for His perfect will for your family, especially if she is having these dreams. God speaks through our children often.

  8. I saw on YouTube today where Pastor Perry Stone recently posted a video saying that he had also just had another dream about a tsunami, apparently he has had several, I pray that the Christians who are asleep wake up soon, too many people of God warning of the same thing.

  9. 8He who made the Pleiades and Orion,
    who turns midnight into dawn
    and darkens day into night,
    who calls for the waters of the sea
    and pours them out over the face of the land—
    the Lord is his name.
    9With a blinding flash he destroys the stronghold
    and brings the fortified city to ruin. Amos 5:8,9

    There is a famine coming upon the Earth such as has never yet been known from the beginning of time. The hearts of men will fail. Mothers will sob for the starvation of their children. Evil will abound that men may have a crust of bread. But in MY house there will be abundance and plenty. My house will never fail of milk and bread and oil and wine and meat. The Kingdom of God is near and the wise are pressing into it. Come, My children, let us reason together. Come to Me and live, says the Lord. While all about you declare peace and safety, destruction will come upon you suddenly. I told my servant, Amos, that I will do nothing unless I first tell my servants, the prophets. Take heed, My children. You say, "How do we prepare for the wrath that is about to fall upon the Earth?" Do not store up for yourselves provisions that will spoil and mildew and decay. Come to Me, says the Lord. Press in and find Me where I am. I am your shelter and your high tower and your peace and your provision. This is a faithful saying, "Do good unto all men but especially unto such as are of the household of faith." This shall be your strength and your stay in the coming days. Your hearts shall bleed for those who suffer but provision will be for those who are of the household of faith even as it was in the days of Noah. Many desired that the doors of the Ark would open after the rain began to fall and waters of the deep overtook them but eight people alone survived that flood. Take heed, My people. Prepare your hearts to seek after Me. Prepare your ears to hear My voice. Pray for your loved ones that they be spared the wrath that is coming. Heed the voice of Amos for this day, says the Lord. Seek Me and Live.

  10. My spirit has been on edge for weeks. I feel the calm before the storm. I feel strapped-muted-unheard but hunger to know what my calling is at this present time... answers do not come. I wait for a signal. Continually and anxiously looking for his return.

    1. I so agree. Im in a scary stand still. Searching for connection and guidance. Im lost

  11. Revelation 8:8-9 New King James Version (NKJV)
    Second Trumpet: The Seas Struck

    8 Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. 9 And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

  12. This rapture is not going to happen the way many expect. If you correctly analyze the word, the Lord uses the parable of the wheat and the tares to distinguish between his chosen people. Be careful to not be the first called because his word states that these are the tares and not the wheat, because the tares can be disguised to look like the wheat.
    Matthew 13:24-30

  13. Thank you so much for bringing the mystery of our Lord Jesus unto us.we highly appreciate you for making us to be alert .please pray for me always.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing what the Lord has shown you. I, too, have had a dream about an East Coast tsunami. I live in Northeast Texas, but in my dream I could see it coming from the East and Southeast. I felt in my spirit that it would not reach me and I would be safe, although I could see it from my home. It was around 500 feet high. I have also had dreams of a MASSIVE earthquake, volcano eruptions eruption, an "eastern" nuclear attack, darkness, war, EMP attack, and 100 lb hailstones. I started having the dreams around the first of September 2012, and had my last dream a few nights ago. I desperately pray that our Savior starts appearing to me like He has you. May the Lord bless and keep you Mena!

  15. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord. I have been having dreams & visions more & more. A few days ago I had a vision. I saw two men in diver suits going under water. The water was deep blue.Then I realized they were planting explosives under the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Then after seeing this I was thinking, Wow, there would be so much damage...plus after the the news reported it is overdue to blow then no one would suspect that it was purposely done. It was so clear. I truly hope it does not happen. These are the type of visions I am having.
    Blessings to you Mena.😇
