Monday, January 20, 2025

A Time of Darkness...

I want to share a dream that was given to me the night before the election. 

In this dream, I was driving on a highway. I knew I was heading west because the sun was setting in front of me.

I looked up and saw a large billboard on the left. It read "Trump 2024." 

I glanced at the billboard and thought within myself, "Oh, he won." 

As I drove, what seemed slowly, past the sign, I readjusted my focus back to the highway in front of me. Immediately, I was plunged into total darkness. It was as if someone turned off the lights. I was still driving on the road, but it quickly became difficult for me to see. In the same breath of my panic, I realized someone was in the car with me. It was Donald Trump! He was sitting in the passenger seat. 

I quickly realized that I couldn't continue on the road because it was entirely too dark (even with my headlights on). So I decided to pull off onto the shoulder of the road for safety. As I was merging left, it was like some type of force pushed the vehicle, and I loss control as the car began to flip. The flip itself was in slow motion and I knew we were going to end up at the bottom of a hill. I could hear Trump screaming in fear. When the car landed, all went silent. My eyes were closed. 

Next, I heard voices in conversation. I also heard monitors and beeps. I slowly opened my eyes. It was then that I realized I was in a hospital. However, I wasn't injured. But I was next to another space or bed that was sectioned off by curtains. The voices were coming from behind those curtains. I heard Trump talking to the doctors and nurses. He said, "Wow, they almost got me that time." 

I immediately understood that someone tried to kill him, if not us, and I was aware that this time was much worse than what happened at the rally (when he was nipped in the ear). 

My dream ended. 

The next day, I shared the dream with my husband. I knew from what was given to me in December 2023 (listen to "Watchman on The Wall: Countdown to 2025), that Trump was going to win the election that day. However, in prayer, the Lord also further confirmed that when Trump returned to office, we as a [western] nation, would be plunged into spiritual darkness. 

That same week, I was invited to a prayer group. The group of women were rejoicing over the election results and wanted to include covering the then president-elect in prayer. I was given the opportunity to share something, and so I shared my dream. I then warned the group that this was not a time of reprieve, but of great darkness and that America is still under judgement. I also informed them that another attempt on Trump's life was going to be made in the future, and that war was coming to our shores. 

The dispositions of their faces quickly change from calm to disturbed as I spoke. I was even cut off by one of the hosts and told to just pray. Before I prayed, I warned the group that they would remember my words. Needless to say, I was never invited back to their prayer meeting. 

I have to share this because as a watchman and prophet, it is my assignment to sound the alarm. So many in the church are walking in deception in this season (which Christ foretold would happen in the last days). The deception is truthfully rooted in denial. To put it simply, American Christians don't want their comfortability stripped from them. So it's easier to believe, endorse, and even try to put into motion a lie, then to embrace the truth. The truth that America will never be great again, because America is Mystery Babylon and its end is that it will burn. This country is full of greed, violence, perversion, murder, idolatry, and pride. And the stench of its sin has reached the nostrils of Elohim. 

We are just like Rome...and we will fall like Rome. 

I heard a well-known pastor say it clearly: If God doesn't judge America, He will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.  

The good news is that Jesus Christ is coming soon! Saints, this is our last lap (of the final race), and soon the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we, which are remaining, will be caught up to meet Him in the air. 

Be at peace with this promise.

Until then, know that we, the TRUE church of Jesus Christ will be given wisdom to maneuver through the darkness of this season. And we will be anointed just as the first-century church was anointed to do exploits.  

Remember; we are not to love this life. This is not your destination, nevertheless, it is your assignment. And that assignment is to glorify YHVH in ALL that you do. Make no reputation for yourself. Produce good fruit and love one another. 


Mena Lee Jones 
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries