Saturday, August 25, 2018

A Pestilence is Coming...

I would like to share two visions and a dream that was given to me over the last few weeks.

In the first vision, I found myself looking at a old outline map of Europe. The outline of the area seemed as though it had been drawn with either charcoal, or a thick-leaded pencil. However, the individual countries within Europe were not distinguished. I simply just saw the outline and the word "Europe" written within.

Suddenly a large drop of blood fell onto the map. As soon as the blood hit the paper, it began to spread rapidly. Although the drop of blood didn't cover the entire map, it covered a large portion.

As it bled, I could hear the screams and wails of multitudes.

I then heard the word "pestilence." 

Vision Two

In my second vision, I was standing out in front of a door. Although in the vision it was as though it was my house, nothing that I saw was familiar to where I actually live.

I was looking up the road. I noticed that is was a sunny, beautiful day. The lawns were green and trimmed, and there were leaves on the trees. There was a light, cool breeze, so it didn't seem like it was the middle of summer, but perhaps very early fall, as the leaves on the trees had not yet changed color.

I blinked my eyes, and suddenly everything changed in front of me. Everything was covered in snow...and I'm talking feet of snow. I saw people coming out of their homes in total amazement. The heavy snow bowed the limbs of the trees, as they leaned over and snapped power lines.

I heard, "it will suddenly come."

I understood that there will be places that will suddenly go from warm weather to blizzard-like conditions, and this will happen even in usual places.

The Dream

Several days after my two visions, I had a dream where my husband and myself were in a car driving down a road. We we headed west because the sun was setting at the horizon in front of us.

Suddenly, I saw a huge object falling from high up in the stratosphere, and it entered the atmosphere, it began to burn. As it drew closer to the ground, I could see that it was a satellite. It crashed to the ground far off in the distance. My husband, who was driving the car, reached for the radio and turned it on. We heard reports that Russia had struck one of our satellites and that a portion of the country had gone dark because of it.

All my husband and I were saying was that we had to hurry and retrieve our oldest daughter who was at work. Our other two children were with us.

The dream continued with us trying to reach our daughter by phone, but not being unable to get through. We finally arrived to her place of employment, and it seemed as though no one on that side of town even knew what had taken place. As we were trying to explain the circumstances to a group of people, we heard a loud explosion. After looking around, we realized that a mall had just been bombed. But the bomb came from the air. Now, massive panic erupted as crowds of people began to pour into the streets. Everyone understood that we were under attack.

My dream ended with me thinking, "So this is how they will come..."


As with all things, take this to prayer.

Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Last week, after waking up early, which is my norm, I suddenly felt a heavy drowsiness come over me, and I went to go lay back down in my bed. In times past, when this occurred, it's always been because there was something the Lord wanted to show me in a dream.

This time was no different.

I instantly found myself in a high-rise apartment building made of brick. The apartment was laid out like a loft; an unpolished open floor plan, with high ceilings and large picture windows. Outside, I saw many low-rise and high-rise brick buildings, along with houses, lined for several blocks against a shoreline. I did not know which city I was in, but I did understand that it was a coastal city, perhaps somewhere on the east coast or even the Midwest, based on the infrastructure of the buildings.

I noticed that my mother was with me, but in another room. She was cooking something on an old, cast iron stove.

Suddenly, I heard an explosion that came from outside. I ran over to the window to pinpoint the location. My eyes scaled the city, and then off into the distance of the large body of water (I am calling it this because I'm not sure if it was the Atlantic, the Gulf, or Lake Michigan). Far off, I saw the aftermath of the explosion with a large plume of black smoke rising from the water. It was as if something exploded inside of the water. Suddenly, a large tidal wave began to form. I noticed a cruise ship not too far from the plume of smoke. The wave begin to pick up the ship, and it was headed straight towards the shoreline!

I yelled out to my mother in the next room. "Mom! A tsunami is headed towards us!" 

My mother ran towards another window to see for herself. At first I thought perhaps the wave would be minor, but as it drew closer, the tidal wave grew larger!

I grabbed my mother's hand as we saw the first row of houses near the shore disappear under the water. The building that we were in was still several blocks away.

"We have to pray, NOW!" I exclaimed.

I began to cry out loud, "Father, in the name of Jesus, have mercy upon your people..."

I watched as the wall of water maneuvered through the buildings headed right towards us. I scanned the apartment looking for something to hold onto. I kept thinking, "we have to brace for impact."

The wall of water slammed into our building, but it did not collapse. I watched as cars and debris began to float by. The water continued to rise, nearing our window point.

My mother continued to pray in the spirit, while I cried out loud.

"Lord, I know you have to judge this nation, but I'm still asking you for mercy."

My voice cracked from the thought of all the lives that were lost. For I knew, many had perished.

Then, I opened my eyes.

As with all things, take this to prayer for confirmation.

Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries