Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Pope...

About a week ago I had my first ever vision regarding the Pope. It took place around 1:00am. I saw the Pope surrounded by many people. They were old and young, male and female; however, there were no children present. Everyone (excluding the Pope) was dressed in royal blue attire. As they encircled the Pope, the people began reciting what we know as the Lord's prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).

When addressing "Our Father", I knew in my spirit that the people were referencing the Pope, and not the Lord. The biggest shock was that the people surrounding the Pope were not Catholics, but Evangelical Christians.

The Lord spoke to me and said, "Apostate Church."

He then said, "Warn my children. Tell them not to mix blood with water. Tell them to have no communion with this man, nor that which has been defiled."

When the Lord said the word "communion", I was given the understanding that He did not mean the partaking of the Lord's last supper, but the actual definition: the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, on a mental or spiritual level.

Another thing I would like to share...

About three weeks ago I began having visions and dreams regarding flood waters (I posted this on my Facebook page on February 3rd). Finally, the Lord spoke to me regarding what I had been shown. He told me that the land will see many devastating floods. However, He was not specific how this would occur. We know that flooding can be caused by various things like torrential rains, tropical storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. I also saw rivers, streams, and bayous coming out of their banks and damaging homes and cars.

As with all things, take this to prayer for confirmation.

Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries