Sunday, January 25, 2015

I went into deep worship  with the Lord this morning. Afterwards, the Lord spoke to me in the bathroom and said; "I have something to show you; come into the secret place." So I went into my closet and placed the tallit over my head in prayer. I entered into the spirit realm; in a vision, and I saw the American flag. It's colors were dingy and dark. Shortly afterwards, words begin to appear on the flag. It read; America Will Burn. The Lord said; "The stench of this nation's sin has reached my nostrils"

Next, I found myself somewhere crouching down behind a big rock. The Lord spoke and said; "Rise up. Look over the rock." When I did I saw that I was high up on a mountain ledge, overlooking a valley below. Far off in the distance I saw troops marching. The Lord spoke and said; "Tell my Bride, I AM the rock, I AM the fortress. I will keep you high above and I will protect you from the enemy and from the coming destruction. You will see the enemy from the distance, and will know how to pray, and I will shield you. Tell them they MUST Trust Me, they MUST Obey Me, and do not fear what the natural eye sees, and what the natural ears hear. I AM Coming.

I asked the Lord to give me a scripture to confirm what He was telling me was about to unfold. He said; "Jeremiah 17."

Saints, I don't even know what more to say. Even as I was typing this, I was searching my spirit for more comforting words; but the Lord had me to write this exactly the way it was given; nothing more, nothing less.

But read Jeremiah 17, because when I read it after getting out of prayer, I saw where it promises that the Lord will keep those who are in Him. But I want each of you to know that you must seek wisdom on how you can specifically prepare. I'm only a mouthpiece, and I have my own internal things to get in order. So many people are asleep. So many of us are so focused on arguing about useless things; things that aren't even going to determine one's salvation. We need to wake up. The storm is here. We can't "pray" this one away Saints.

Another thing He showed me:

While I was travailing in the Spirit, I saw oil raining down from heaven onto the earth. The Lord had me interceding for the Bride. He said; "The final outpouring. Through the chaos, I will rise up a mighty army who will walk in signs and miracles and in great authority upon the earth. The harvest is ripe and the time is at hand."

Share this with the Body of Christ.

Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries